Things have been going fantastically in 5th grade math. We've been getting into the swing of math workshop and I feel like the kids are catching on, though I don't know how much differentiation is really going on; I'm thinking the kids are getting it though. I gave them exit tickets today, so we'll have to look at those and see how they did. At this point, I really feel like their understanding of expanded notation has increased tenfold, and if that's what I get out of math workshop, then I feel like this is a success.
My post today is mostly thanks to my cheerleaders. I have no problem being up at the front of a classroom, in the spotlight. I thrive on it for the most part (until my administrator comes in, and then I have to keep myself from freezing up and stumbling over what I'm doing), and really feel at home helping the kids. But this coaching, am I still getting used to it!
Our first pep assembly is on Friday, and the girls are going to be introduced. That is, I get to introduce them. Eeek! I've been practicing what it's going to look and sound like, but I do not have any desire to be in front of the entire school talking. And when I say entire school, I mean the whole school 5th through 12th grade. But they're doing such a great job; they picked out a good crowd cheer and are doing an elevator lift in it. They are so nervous, but I'm so excited for them. They've worked hard and come far in the past four weeks, and I really feel like they have earned the chance to do what they're doing. I'm a little nervous about what happens if they drop our flier, but we talked about it (and will talk about it again), and I know they are usually spot on for two or three during practice. It's when we do it six times in a row that we start getting a little iffy.
All I have to say is: thank God we have a week and a half until our first game!!!
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